Who We Are

Kingdom makes an investment in our community so that people can hear the Gospel, be saved by the Gospel, be built by the Gospel, and be sent by the Gospel.

Our story

Kingdom church began in 1998 when Pastor Kevin was approached to plant a new church in Westover, WV. Initially, Kingdom met in another church's building with around 20 people. 

Over the next few years the church grew steadily, renting different buildings. In 2001, Kingdom purchased its current 13-acre property. 

Attendance grew to over 200 so a second Sunday service was added. New ministries like youth groups and funeral support helped attract more people. 

In 2009-2010 Kingdom expanded by building a new 500-seat sanctuary. Today, Kingdom has over 700 regular attendees and a multitude of programs for children, students, prayer, and community outreach.

Kingdom's vision is to be a multi-generational, multi-ethnic church welcoming all and staying committed to social justice where people can experience God's love.

Our leadership team

  • Pastor Kevin was born and raised in Westover and has been preaching in this community since he was 16. In 1998 he and his wife Lesley founded Kingdom: A Community Church and Kevin serves as our senior pastor.

    Kevin served as directors of Morgantown High School’s Fellowship of Christian Athletes for 13 years and is still heavily invested in the next generation. He is the author of the books As She is Dying and The Humility of Being Found, and is the founder of The Source Foundation.

    Pastor Kevin enjoys barbecue and is the father of three children: Tanner, Garrett, and Cameron.

  • Pastor James, a New York City/New Jersey native, graduated from WVU and began his ministry career as a Bible teacher at Covenant Christian School.

    He was the Senior Pastor at Victory EMC for 8 years before joining the ministry team at Kingdom, where he and his wife Tonya have been passionately leading the EDGE Student Ministry ever since.

    James is a Download Youth Ministries author and ambassador and enjoys playing golf with anyone who will ride in a golf cart with him, including his two sons: Jacob and Rylan.

  • Pastor Daniel began his ministry career as a member of the Morgantown High School football team, when Pastor Kevin asked him to take over leading prayer after football games. He went on to help lead Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) at Fairmont State as a college football player.

    In 2014, Pastor Daniel took over as director of Morgantown FCA before transitioning into the Associate Pastor role at Kingdom. He has also been leading a ministry called Fire Nights since 2022.

    He and his wife Casie enjoy the outdoors and spending time with their two children, Eden and Uriah.

Our support staff

What we believe

The word of God

We accept and believe the Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God. We receive it, as the revealed will and way of God for our daily life.

The Trinity

We believe in the Godhead, the Holy Trinity, in which there are three Persons of one substance, power, and eternity – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The Father

We believe in God the Father Almighty, revealed to mankind as an awesome God of grace, love, might, mercy, justice and holiness.

Jesus Christ

We believe in Jesus Christ, who is both fully God and fully man; His virgin birth, His sinless life, His substitionary and redeeming death, His physical resurrection, and His imminent return to earth.

The Holy Spirit

We believe in the Holy Spirit who inspired, reveals, and ministers the Word of God, empowering Christians to serve God in victory.


We believe salvation is available to all mankind. After realizing your sinfulness and need for a Savior, you must believe in Jesus Christ, receive His sacrifice for your sin, and then live a life of devotion to Him. This is not a salvation of works, but of grace. Good works are the result of a genuine faith in Jesus Christ.


We believe in entire sanctification following regeneration, whereby the believers are cleansed from the pollution of sin, saved from its power, and enabled through grace, to love God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love their neighbor as themselves. Thus, to become truly born again.

A Holy Life

We believe that every Christian is expected and empowered to live a holy life, one that is truly reflects the character of the God we serve.


We believe in two sacraments, Baptism and Holy Communion.


We believe that just as Christ rose from the dead so will those who belong to him. All mankind will stand in judgment before him, those who received His grace will spend an eternity with Him in glory and those that rejected Him will spend an eternity away from His presence in hell. The choices we make in this life determine our eternal destination.

The Church

We believe in the local and universal church, which is the body of Christ on earth. Christians are the church. Not a building. Therefore we are just a small part of the body of Christ.

The Mission

We believe that all Christians are called to share their faith with the rest of humanity in order that all might be saved. This is not just a verbal directive, but a ministry of living example. Everything that you say, think, and do should be a living representation of the character of God.

Join us for church!

Sundays at 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM