Beginnings Class

A 6-week course for anyone who wants to know more about the most central concepts to the Christian faith.

September 9 - October 14
Mondays 6-7pm
In-Person and Online

The Details

  • Who It's For

    The Beginnings Class was initially designed for new believers to learn about topics central to following Jesus. However, we've found that this class is also helpful for those who...

    ...want a deeper understanding of the Bible

    ...have questions about aspects of the Christian faith

    ...haven't yet given their life to Jesus, but are curious

    ...are struggling with doubt

    ...just want a refresher!

  • The Book

    This class uses The Purple Book by Rice Broocks and Steve Murrell to walk you through a wide array of topics central to the Christian faith.

    Books will be provided to everyone who takes the Beginnings class. When you register, there is an option available to donate $10 toward the cost of books, but this is not required.

  • Class Topics

    In the 6-week course, we'll cover the following topics together:

    Sin & Salvation

    Repentance & Baptism

    The Holy Spirit & Spiritual Gifts

    Discipleship & Leadership

    Spiritual Family & Church Life

    Prayer & Worship

    Biblical Prosperity & Generosity

    Faith & Hope

    Evangelism & Missions

    Resurrection & Judgement

    Lordship & Obedience